Scales and Intervals


Interval Names

Interval NameAlternative Name(s)Half Steps
Half StepMinor Second, Semitone1
Whole StepMajor Second, Whole Tone2
Minor Third-3
Major Third-4
FourthPerfect Fourth5
TritoneAugmented Fourth, Diminished Fifth6
FifthPerfect Fifth7
Minor Sixth-8
Major Sixth-9
Minor Seventh-10
Major Seventh-11
OctavePerfect Octave12

Common Scales

Scale NameWhole Step/Half Step PatternNotes
MinorW-H-W-W-H-W-WAlso known as "Natural Minor".
Harmonic MinorW-H-W-W-H-A2-HA2 is a Whole Step plus a Half Step.
Melodic MinorW-H-W-W-W-W-HThe Melodic Minor uses the form of the Natural Minor when descending.




  1. What is a minor third above Bb?
  2. What is a perfect fifth below B?
  3. What is a tritone above F#?
  4. What is a tritone below F#?
  5. Name the notes in an Ab major scale.
  6. Name the notes in an F# minor scale.

Additional Resources