Write a program in Max that responds to incoming MIDI note-on messages by playing a sound with an appropriate pitch and loudness, based on the key number and velocity information.
When was MIDI invented?
In the early 1980s
At what rate is MIDI data transmitted?
31,250 bits per second
What are the two main categories of MIDI messages?
"system" messages and "channel" messages
Which of those two types is used for most performance information?
Channel messages
What is the term for the first byte of every MIDI message?
The "status" byte, indicating the type of message
What is the numerical range of MIDI status bytes?
128 to 255 (the first bit is always 1)
In a MIDI note-on message, after the status byte, what follows?
The key number and the velocity
What's one important note attribute that's not included in a MIDI note-on message.
What does a .mid file contain?
Time-tagged MIDI messages
Is MIDI good for transmitting audio?
No! It is used to transmit performance information.