Sampling Theory
In this topic we will learn about Sampling Theory. First we will understand what are Discrete Samples of a Continuous Signal. Then we'll read about the foundations of Digital Audio. At last, we'll take a look at some of the Sound File Formats available for us to store sound data.
- Vocabulary
- simple harmonic motion
- fundamental (resonant) mode of vibration
- harmonics (overtones, partials)
- harmonic series
- spectrum
- amplitude envelope
- loudness, amplitude
- pitch
- frequency
- decibel
- analog-to-digital converter
- digital-to-analog, converter
- Nyquist theorem (Nyquist frequency)
- sampling rate
- aliasing/foldover
- quantization
- quantization precision
- signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SQNR)
- clipping
- Vocabulary
- MP3
- compression
- uncompressed
- header
- chunk
- sample frame
- ckID